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Showing posts with label PC Tricks. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Convert any movie to psp format

Hey again, this is a real quick guide for anyone interested to get a movie onto there PSP without all the fluff i have seen elsewhere. I just watched Africa the Serengeti on my PSP and here is the lowdown.

Movie - approx 40 minutes - DVD
Saved to hard drive - 2.6GIG - using DVD Decryptor (free program) search it on Google.
Transferred to avi format - 377MB- using Super DVD Ripper (9 FREE trial uses) then you must buy
Transferred to MP4 - 37MB - using the (basically free) Image convertor 2

Average movie breakdown - using above as a guide only.
so i m guessing the average movie may be 4.5gig for example
saved to 800MB

Ok use DVD decryptor to save the movie to your hard drive eg. C:\africa (it will save it for you as described)
When completed find the folder c:\Africa on your computer and find the vob file in that folder - generally the largest one and right click and play it with your DVD program to see what part it is. If its the correct movie part you now know that's the one you need.

Once you have located the vob file you want to transfer open DVD Ripper and go to wizard icon. There you will see an icon of VOB to AVI button. Click it and then it will ask to locate the file. Locate the file and click it. It will SCAN THE FILE(just wait till that finishes) a parameter box opens next and just click the arrow. It then asks to choose output file, click the file icon and locate the correct fob file. It then asks for file compression - choose Microsoft windows media and then click ok Then press the start button. It will now convert the vob into avi format.
(there are also other opions ie;dvd to avi etc) I have only used the vob to avi for this test.

After DVD ripper has transferred the file it will save it to the same folder as the original move was in eg: c:\africa\viteots. Open the file and you will now see an AVI icon containing the movie.

Make sure you PSP is on and in usb mode then Open Image convertor 2 and press on movie / add to list. For this example i click on C:drive the found the folder Africa and opened it and there was my converted AVI file. Click the file press ok and it will be transferred to your PSP for viewing pleasure.

*****Note**** i only converted one VOB file as thatS all there was for this particular movie. If you have more then one vob file you may need to try the DVD to avi when you rip. This is just a guide i worked out to compress DVD into the smallest possible file so you can get value out of a 512 card.


Image Converter 2.1 JAP translated to ENG.
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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

How To Make Undetectable Virus

Bash Scripts are NOT viruses.
those are 'no-skill-need' tools for script kiddies.
virus-making is a little higher task.
only the people who interested in, can accomplish virus-making.
here is the very basic "helloworld" virus for example. 

so here is the trick to make a undetectable virus.

WARNING: Educational purposes only. 
[Also Read: How To Remove New Folder Virus]

Undetectable Virus
###code starts here###
.model tiny

ORG 100H


mov ah,9 ;prepare to display message
mov dx,OFFSET HI ;address of message
int 21H ;display it with DOS

HI DB 'You have just released a virus, Have a nice day ;)$'


###end of code section###

this is just writing 'You have just released a virus, have a nice day' to the screen and does nothing else.
Simply, this is how a computer virus looks like.
you will need an assembler for being able to assemble&link this code.
unfortunately its not a simple .bat file 
any usage is under users responsibility.

[Also Read: How To Remove Trojan Viruses]
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